Looking for personal support?  Let’s start a  positive conversation and share resources as caregivers.  We  can manage  best by  supporting each other. 

For direct messaging:



It is difficult for many people to be honest and open about their opinions or inner thoughts.

  I have a hard time sharing my true feelings in a casual conversation, so it is quite amazing that I am even hosting this site.    I don’t think my family even knows  my stance on many issues, or how I am dealing with my caregiver status.  Just one day, I started writing, and thought this would be a great venue to share resources as caregivers. 

During the difficult days, especially, it would be so nice to be able to vent to someone without  feeling guilty, or without having them roll their eyes because I was “complaining again”.  It’s not that I complain, or feel resentful, it’s just, that sometimes, I just need to talk about what we are going through. 

I have friends who like to listen and try to sympathize, but unless a person is involved in caregiving, they cannot fully grasp the gamut of emotions, difficulties, and resolutions that I deal with every day.  Sympathy is not the same as empathy.  Only other caregivers share a common ground and have an unspoken bond that can be shared.  That is not to say, that others cannot share their stories here,  but only that this is a safe, nonjudgmental place to speak up if you are caregiving, and just need to talk.

If you can give insight into the process of daily care, or just have a quick story to share, please do so. 

Please join our email.  Every connection is an affirmation that all journeys  have the right to be heard.  Here is your opportunity.  

    For private, personal notes

    Please do not let publishing discourage you from writing.  If you wish to share thoughts or resources in a private manner, please use my  email only:


    I will keep all correspondence confidential.

    For public notes, looking for feedback

    If you wish to share thoughts or resources to be posted,  I will post those deemed most appropriate for others to view.