for Life Journey's End

I take care of my mom in her home, twenty-four hours a day. 
The hardship  is not because it is a  family responsibility, or a difficult job.  The hardship is  dealing with  the passage of time. 

We all go on this journey in some form or another.  Please tell me, How does one prepare to say “Goodbye” to a family member who is nearing the end of this life experience, and stepping into the next?

For me, caregiving has been challenging, but I have discovered some things about managing this process.  I am also learning a great deal about myself.

caregving the elderly
caregiving at home

My mother is ninety three years old!

She is a formidable woman, and has always insisted that she wanted to live and die at home.  . .   Does this sound familiar? (sigh)

Actually, about 87% of adults over 65 years old want to stay at home or “age in place”. The problem is, there needs to be someone to take care of them.

Okay, so, We purchased a house next door to mine, and moved her into her own 3 bedroom, 2 bath “retirement condo”. Excellent solution!

It was easy to just check in on her every day, and eat together, and spend some time chatting. . .

She lived alone like this up until 3 years ago —
BUT. . . the day I retired, my destination was handed to me abruptly, and without a polite, “howdy-doo!”

That year, she had a massive stroke. This was the most scary and devastating event we went through, as we watched her go from a vital, independent woman, to an immobile bed-ridden patient.

So, anyway, she now spends her days in bed, or in a  wheelchair, and needs major assistance in everyday life.

We feel so fortunate that she is alert, communicates well, and has little pain, but we both know it is important to prepare for these final days, and try to make them manageable and in good spirit.

I have discovered much about this process, and just want to share. My page is open to all who may be facing similar circumstances, and I welcome any discoveries you may have to help us along the way.
Thank you for joining us, and sharing.
Blessings to us all.

Daily Routine

It is so important to develop a schedule.  Things change often, but we try to stay as consistent as possible.  This includes making calendar event posts, scheduling outside helpers, exercise modules,  preparing meals.


Every person should have health directives written and posted in case of emergencies.  Estate planning and evacuation strategies are essentials.  Managing the home space is helpful and keeps the mind clear.



Reminiscing is a beautiful way to appreciate the value of a person’s life.   Writing history, finalizing material bequeaths, sharing family “secrets” and preparing for the future can be fun.

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