Mom's history becomes more precious as she ages and she has important legacy stories to share. They are a valuable way to understand our family's culture and values, and a gift to pass on to the grandchildren.

Every family has a unique way of celebrating their heritage.   It seems that recently there is an interest in researching DNA to find out a person’s origins, which can lead to some  good conversations.  Through this process,  old stories are shared, secrets might be revealed, and a sense of pride can develop for everyone. 


is good therapy for all of us.  It brings back happy times and some good laughs.  Mom can talk about them as if it were yesterday.

There are closets full of old photos and letters.  I don’t believe mom threw anything away, so this is a perfect time to sort through mementos, keeping the ones that are especially valuable.   It also gives us another opportunity to exercise her memory skills, and hopefully find a laugh or two. 

is pretty fascinating.  I have certain memories that I’ve stored, but to hear them from a different perspective is an eye-opener.  This is an activity the whole family should become involved in. 


when we look at the family tree.  The family myths have been recorded in literature, and to have grown up hearing these stories keeps us close.   There are some great storytellers in the family, so hopefully,  this legacy will continue to follow the family lines. 

Though most eras are defined by wars, there are recorded events that surround us in peace time as well.  Going back just  three generations, we have beautiful stories of personal victories and endeavors that make us proud to be a part of this family. 

As a third-generation family in America, it is easy to trace our relatives across the country.  The fun starts, when you learn about new cousins, or second – and third- cousins, once removed, twice removed, etc.   We love the  connections, and it is easy with the technology  that keeps us connected. 

Family Secrets

The best time to focus on storytelling seems to be at dinnertime.  We are the most alert, and especially on Sundays, there are other family members present.  I think it is important for the grandkids to hear about their heritage.  It is also good for mom’s sense of value, to know her story will endure.

Every family has “secrets”.  My mom has tons of them, the main ones, being places she hides precious items and coins!  Well, if we don’t get her talking about it now, these things will be forever lost in time.    As we discover more tales and (hiding places),  I have been gradually  liquidating her “stash”.   …Just another part of this end-of-life process.

is pretty fascinating.  I have certain memories that I’ve stored, but to hear them from a different perspective is an eye-opener.  This is an activity the whole family should become involved in.